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How do you know if you have a skull fracture?

To most, slip and falls may not sound initially serious. Everyone, at some point in their lives, suffers a fall. Many are mild and benign. This does not mean that it is always the case. It does not mean that a fall cannot be much more serious. For those who are over 65, falls can be extremely dangerous. 

To fall and land on bones or to hit your head can result in catastrophic injuries, such as a skull fracture. According to Healthline, skull fractures are any break to your cranial bone. Skull fractures do not necessarily indicate any brain injuries, but they can lead to such. 

Types of skull fractures 

There are several types of fractures at varying trauma levels. Here is what you should expect from each type of fracture: 

  • Closed fractures are simple and the surrounding skin is intact and not cut 
  • Open fractures include broken skin and emerged bone 
  • Basal fractures are in the front of the skull around the eyes, ears, nose and neck 
  • Depressed fractures cause an indentation in the skull 
  • Linear fractures are in a straight line 
  • Comminuted fractures have three or more sections 

The more serious the fracture or the clearer it may be that you have one. 

Symptoms of skull fractures 

If you cannot tell that you have a fracture, there are several symptoms to look out for. On one hand any bleeding from the wound, near the location or around your ears, eyes and nose is an indicator. Likewise, bruising and darkening eyes can indicate fractures. 

Less serious signs include headaches, blurred vision, nausea, restlessness, loss of vision and more.