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How do slip and fall incidents affect your mobility?

Arizona residents know that safe surroundings are crucial to safe people. Unfortunately, slip and fall incidents can happen anywhere.

Not only are these incidents commonplace, but they can result in injuries you may struggle to overcome. This can include hip injuries and more, which severely affect mobility.

Injuries from slip and fall incidents

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention talks about how falls affect mobility. First, the degree of mobility issue depends on several factors. A couple include the type of slip and fall incident you had, and the severity of the injury. A more extreme incident is likelier to lead to a bigger injury. Bigger injuries result in longer heal times and more long-lasting repercussions.

Sometimes these incidents result in broken legs, feet or arms. These injuries often result in shorter term mobility issues. Broken bones take a while to heal. Severely broken bones may need extensive measures to aid in healing. But after several months of rehabilitation, many people heal completely.

Hip injury immobilization

A large number of slip and fall incidents result in hip injuries. These injuries often need hospitalization. Hip injuries hospitalize 800,000 patients every year. Hip damage is one of the greatest impacts on mobility, outside of spinal damage. The hip takes much longer to heal than other broken bones. Not only that, but all types of mobility stem from this area of the body. When you cannot use your hips, you cannot do much moving at all. Any small amount may agitate the break and make healing times even longer.

This is a bigger risk for the elderly population. But slip and fall injuries can create big problems for everyone. You may face temporary or permanent mobility issues. It is important to get quick treatment for any slip and fall incident. Proper diagnosis of bone breaks can help you get on the path of recovery as fast as possible.