Arizona residents like you who suffer from a slip and fall may also struggle with injuries in the aftermath. Some of them resolve within weeks or months. Others may take years of recovery.
In some cases, you could find yourself facing a lifetime of disability, pain and expenses. This is often the case with back injuries, especially if you are an older individual.
Back pain causes you to miss work
When it comes to back injuries, back pain is one of the biggest initial changes to your life. Medical News Today examines the impact of back pain over extended periods of time. Back pain has a huge impact on the lives of sufferers. For example, lower back pain is the leading cause of work absence and activity limitation across the globe.
The costs of caring for a back injury
In 2013, neck pain and low back pain was the third-highest healthcare expense in the United States, too. In total, the cost estimate was $87.6 billion. As a sufferer of back injury and pain, you have likely gone through some expenses yourself. This may be via surgery, physical therapy or medications to help with pain.
Though 1 in 5 people with back pain recover, the statistics are less hopeful for injury victims. Your recovery depends on a number of factors including your age, the type of incident that took place and the treatment you can get.
In the meantime, you end up missing work due to the needed recovery period. With no money coming in and a lot of money going out, you can easily fall into debt. This is why many people in your situation end up seeking compensation.