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Can a slip and fall result in a skull fracture?

When you think of slip and fall incidents, it likely conjures up a mental image of sliding on ice in an un-salted parking lot. But many places, both indoors and outdoors, can have slick, slippery or otherwise uneven floors. Any time one of these areas lacks proper warning and signage, it creates a health risk.

This is due to the fact that slip and fall accidents often come with rather severe injuries. Fractures reside among them, including fractures of the skull.

Why are skull fractures an issue?

Taking a look at Merck Manual, it is easy to see why skull fractures pose such a problem. First, the hard bone will always win against soft tissue. During the process of a fracture, it is easy for tiny shards or bits of bone to dislodge from the skull at the fracture point. These bone bits can then cut or lodge into the soft brain tissue, causing immediate neurological problems. Any inward-facing bone edge can cause the same issues.

Signs of a fracture

You will likely notice immediate changes if someone has suffered from damage to the brain in a skull fracture. Many neurological symptoms include easily noticed problems like repeated vomiting or seizures. The victim will also likely fail to recognize their surroundings or the people they are with.

In some cases, blood can pool in the hollow spaces of the skull, leading to bruising around the eyes and behind the ears. You might notice blood or clear fluid draining from the ears as well. This may happen if blood builds up behind the eardrums, causing them to burst. Cerebrospinal fluid, located in the cranial space, might leak for a similar reason. Any of these signs should merit immediate medical attention.