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Tips for a successful premises liability deposition

If you suffered an injury on another person’s property, whether it was a business or residential property, you may have a premises liability claim. This lawsuit can help you recover your medical expenses, loss of income and other related costs. However, when you file your case, you will participate in a deposition.

Your deposition can have a dramatic impact on your case’s success. Therefore, these are a few tips for a successful premises liability deposition.

Act professionally

Not only should you dress professionally, but you should adopt a professional demeanor. Avoid arguing with anyone in the room. Treat others with respect. Adopt polite mannerisms. Avoid yelling and sarcasm.

If you feel yourself getting upset, ask for a break. Leave the room until you can control your emotions. The opposition will try to rile you up, but maintaining your composure should create a more favorable outcome.

Answer the questions accurately and precisely

Carefully listen to the person questioning you. Think about the question and look over your premises liability case documents before speaking. Avoid providing more information than the precise answer, and never guess. Ask for clarification. Do not talk about other victims or witnesses. If you answered incorrectly, fix your response right away.

Protect yourself

Make sure that you understand exactly your case and any preliminary research that has been done. Avoid discussions about money. To prevent your opposition from gaining access to privileged conversations or investigations, do not waive privilege. Even if you think you may have done something wrong, do not admit it.

Although giving a deposition can be stressful, you can have a positive experience if you do your research and learn your case and rights. You can present a confident and comfortable exterior because you are a strong witness due to your preparation.